My name is Justin Mermelstein. It's a long and odd name. It's hard to spell until you remember the pattern (M-e-r ... m-e-l ... s-t-e-i-n). Once it's in the noggin, it's hard to forget it. Ask my kids. I write stories. Lots of them. And I have for as long as I can remember. I write in a whole bunch of different flavors but tend to hover around supernatural (Lucid and Awake series), paranormal (The Committed), or suspense and thriller (Glimpse series), and almost everything I've ever published is too stubborn to stay in any one genre and tends to drift in and out of all of the above. I like to scare people a bit, sure, and I certainly enjoy messing with my reader's head, but all that comes second. Adrenaline gets the human emotion flowing, exposing it at its deepest level, and I love exploring what a person might do under dire circumstances. It brings out the best and the worst. I hope you appreciate my work. Thanks for reading.